Most pictures and words from Anthony C Murphy
Monday, 31 October 2011
Sunday, 30 October 2011
Into the world
Fat and full of blood
This entered mess of you
Deep red drips to the linoleum
Then with ribbons of scarlet tissue
You were given up to me as they mothered
Her life
She went angry
To the ICU cursing
Midwives that guessed
All the previous knowledge
Now a test of their miss management
Skills not an issue, more like what do you
Call it?
Collateral damage?
No. Containment? No.
Something we would learn
Later like newborns ourselves
To this. Get the anaesthetist please
Anyone who knows what they are doing
To stop it
To help us out
Of these white white
Walls full of antiseptic attitude
A grandmother or two would be
Welcome now but no more of this red
Ridiculous floor, and please no more blood
Thursday, 27 October 2011
GYNOTIKOLOBOMASSOPHILE : noun someone who loves to fondle (usually nibble) women's earlobes
The auricle has spoken
The auricle has spoken
You're working
I am looking
It is getting dark
They are staying with friends
The company is losing money
It is starting to rain
You are making. I am trying
What is happening?
I am not listening
She is not having
I am not eating
He is learning
They are not speaking
I am getting tired
Time is not working
I am doing
thanks to Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, 3rd Edition
I am looking
It is getting dark
They are staying with friends
The company is losing money
It is starting to rain
You are making. I am trying
What is happening?
I am not listening
She is not having
I am not eating
He is learning
They are not speaking
I am getting tired
Time is not working
I am doing
thanks to Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, 3rd Edition
Monday, 24 October 2011
And would sigh at the tale
Of sunk Lyonnesse,
As a wind-tugged tress
Flapped her cheek like a flail;
Or listen at whiles
With a thought-bound brow
To the murmuring miles
She is far from now.
Thomas Hardy d. 1928
And would sigh at the tale
Of sunk Lyonnesse,
As a wind-tugged tress
Flapped her cheek like a flail;
Or listen at whiles
With a thought-bound brow
To the murmuring miles
She is far from now.
Thomas Hardy d. 1928
never been to Bunhill Fields or Stoke Poges
or near Cowper's poplar
I stay away from Westminster
and have no clue where Charlotte Smith is buried
I did grow on the edge of Bronteness
but just like you
I thought them dinosaurs
Shelley was too far away
I can't connect anything
with anything
Ted Hughes though was close
to our border
Is he any good?
My friends would be mortified
if they ever read this
Our still alive heroes
sell car insurance and butter
Forget them all
at you peril
even Neil Armstrong had to come back down to earth
and provide a three course meal for some sycophantic worms
The Hornblower Brothers
or near Cowper's poplar
I stay away from Westminster
and have no clue where Charlotte Smith is buried
I did grow on the edge of Bronteness
but just like you
I thought them dinosaurs
Shelley was too far away
I can't connect anything
with anything
Ted Hughes though was close
to our border
Is he any good?
My friends would be mortified
if they ever read this
Our still alive heroes
sell car insurance and butter
Forget them all
at you peril
even Neil Armstrong had to come back down to earth
and provide a three course meal for some sycophantic worms
The Hornblower Brothers
Sunday, 23 October 2011
You kill me
Ben Kingsley as a
Polish American hitman
You can't unkill them, they're still dead
And he said
I don't regret killing them
just killing them badly
Watch out
This life is not in stages
You can get off
It flows and has bends
And movies that get you
Sometimes on repeat
Still get you off
Influenced by a late night watching and impressed by some writing.........could have been John Dahl or Christopher Markus or Stephen McFeely. I would like to know.
Ben Kingsley as a
Polish American hitman
You can't unkill them, they're still dead
And he said
I don't regret killing them
just killing them badly
Watch out
This life is not in stages
You can get off
It flows and has bends
And movies that get you
Sometimes on repeat
Still get you off
Influenced by a late night watching and impressed by some writing.........could have been John Dahl or Christopher Markus or Stephen McFeely. I would like to know.
hristopher Markus Stephen McFeely |
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
I would love
To be in the State of Yap
Money so hard
To use
Like eating a tea
Of stone doughnuts
Monday, 17 October 2011
MESOPYGION : noun the crack of the arse
( not the aftermath of a cat burglar's visit to a bird nest )
thanks to The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Words
( not the aftermath of a cat burglar's visit to a bird nest )
thanks to The Penguin Dictionary of Curious and Interesting Words
Friday, 14 October 2011
Me and you do not exist
She always came first
I as usual agreed to whatever it was she said
It wasn’t the worst
Approximation of the state of US
Walk home drunk alone without even a conversation now to warm an ear
I missed out again, missed the meaning or what was meant
So busied my mind with the moon
It was awe
Some star or planet shone as bright
But smaller, no, further out
And there were wisps of grey
No, silver blue, clouds around
As a frame, as burnt away by these two show-offs
I could see Orion too to the south unbothered as he was
All because I looked up
I touched five sycamore trunks on the walk back
They seemed to wear high hats and beards
And snail or slug trails tinseled around them
And snail or slug trails tinseled around them
I said hello to the trees of Clyde Rd
And they waved me on like buddleia by the sidings
As I chugged unsteadily to the station
At London Road I crossed the bridge
And heard the squealings of a vixen
Then witnessed a pairing upon a wall, all brazen
The fantastic one uncoupled himself and high-tailed it
As I rounded the corner
He stopped to check I was not following
Then entered my garden
The little fucker
Home again he led me
And what are my trees?
They need identification
I am surrounded but
The fruit has all dropped
The flowers long gone
The leaves too, soon
Oh, I will be here next year
Unlike some I could mention
‘Sometimes I think this leg is the most beautiful thing in the world, and sometimes the other,’ I said.
‘I suppose the truth lies somewhere in between.’ ”
Peter DeVries
Monday, 10 October 2011
Friday, 7 October 2011
Look, mon vieux, anybody who subsists day after day on cheap wine and shag tobacco is going to cut off his ears.
Guy Davenport
... onions for the poor as the most nourishing of foods for the least sous. And olive oil...
Guy Davenport
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
You know last week
Before you changed your mind again
About us
You know last week
When you sent me that wish
I was looking at rings
Looking because I was not buying but
I was deciding
I chose one with a medium sized sapphire
Mined, cut and set in the 1910’s
It was worth four and a half thousand English pounds
Then I thought that this money
Should I get it
Will go further if
And don’t be disappointed
I get one for half that
So I went in and asked about emeralds and tradition
And the jeweler questioned my intention
Because they all looked shabby in comparison
And he was a salesman
I found dusted rubies in other shops
But nothing compared to that blue original
Clarity is what I am after
Something clear cut is the key
I need William of Occam
His shaver and a whole bottle of suds
On my side, bored of beer though
Or you to decide to come here but
Do I need diamonds to cut through this bull shit
When there is nothing on offer
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
My gag reflexes
Like a hair trigger
Is that why I pun and
Can retch upon a strand
In my canal
It all makes me sick
Chucking into a pink checked teatowel
The contents wiggle out violent red
The life of the interior on show
And I am thankful that I remember
What I ate late last night
And what swam within me
Like a hair trigger
Is that why I pun and
Can retch upon a strand
In my canal
It all makes me sick
Chucking into a pink checked teatowel
The contents wiggle out violent red
The life of the interior on show
And I am thankful that I remember
What I ate late last night
And what swam within me
Sunday, 2 October 2011
EDWARD, JOHN and STEPHANIE, all three are children but not necessarily.
TEACHER’S VOICE, off stage.
Centre stage is a climbing frame. Off stage can be heard children’s voices at play. EDWARD, wearing shorts, enters and delicately makes his way to the top of the frame. There he perches, observing, swinging his legs slow and easy. JOHN approaches from the other side, he is more robust and throws himself towards the first rung of the frame only to be stopped by....
EDWARD You can’t come up here.
JOHN I bet I can.
EDWARD You’re not allowed.
EDWARD No girls!
JOHN I’m not a girl.
Edward scrutinizes John.
John starts to climb, he messes about throughout, swinging and falling off and such. He doesn’t make it to the very top.
JOHN I told my mum to cut my hair…. She likes it though…
(to John) What are you doing?
EDWARD Nothing…Watching. I am an eagle.
JOHN Well I am a puma, or a leopard, because they can retract their
EDWARD (looks at his hands) Hidden talons… I am gonna swoop down and
catch my prey… Probably Timmy over there as he looks juiciest.
JOHN You couldn’t carry it off.
EDWARD Maybe not.
JOHN Look at your legs!
EDWARD What about my legs?
JOHN There’s not a scratch on them. They look like my Nan’s best
dinner plates. All thin and white and shiny. We only use them at
EDWARD Well what’s wrong with that? I’ve got Christmas legs.
JOHN I’ve got lots of bruises. My dad says I’m accident prone. Him
and Derek have bets on when I’m going to fall over.
EDWARD Who’s Derek?
JOHN A friend from the pub.
EDWARD My dad doesn’t go to the pub, he drinks nice wine. Although I
don’t know what’s nice about it. It makes me cry.
JOHN The pub’s great. You get loads of coke and crisps and
everyone’s happy. Not like church.
EDWARD Is that still going? We haven’t been in years.
JOHN We have to go. Although last Sunday we were on the way and I
tripped up and fell into a bucket of soapy water and we had to go
back home and miss it.
EDWARD I bet he tripped you up and won a tenner.
JOHN No! Do you think so?
EDWARD Yeah, and got out of church… Maybe I should swoop on
Darren instead. He’s smaller but still looks tasty.
JOHN Him! He stinks.
EDWARD We all do. Apparently.
John stops, sniffs himself and shrugs.
JOHN Church smells good. It’s like exhaust pipes and fresh tarmac.
EDWARD Don’t you get bored?
JOHN I don’t know.
STEPHANIE enters, she heads towards the frame opposite John and steps onto it.
JOHN You’re not allowed
JOHN Well… Him.
Stephanie notices Edward.
STEPHANIE Oh, him… I’m not worried about him.
She continues to climb and mess about, much like John, who carries on as before. Edward shifts. John and Stephanie never go above halfway, Edward is always at the top.
STEPHANIE (cont… to John) So, whose class are you in?
JOHN I don’t know yet. I am new. How about you?
STEPHANIE Top one, same as Smelly Eddie there.
EDWARD I had a lot of garlic. Some people like it.
JOHN I’m a leopard and he’s an…
EDWARD Shut up!
STEPHANIE I know, he’s an eagle (laughs, then to John). What’s your
JOHN Err…Spot.
STEPHANIE No, your real name.
EDWARD Leave him alone. Why don’t you go away?
STEPHANIE I am not talking to you. You stay up there out of it.
(to John) He never wants to join in. Do you want to play kiss
John looks intrigued.
EDWARD I knew it! Stay away from her, Spot.
JOHN I don’t know. What is it?
EDWARD (butting in) She’ll make you kiss her and then she’ll run away
laughing and tell all her friends that you slobber on her chin.
JOHN Doesn’t sound …
STEPHANIE No I won’t. That was just you because you’re such a …
Anyway, I haven’t got any friends.
EDWARD Such a what?
STEPHANIE I dunno… So do you want to play or not?
Stephanie runs off and John chases her, leaving Edward alone.
EDWARD Idiots! Running around like little mice. Why is everyone so
Edward sits, swinging his legs. John comes back after a while and gets back onto the frame.
JOHN I couldn’t catch her…She’s like a cheetah… So do you want to
play something?
EDWARD No… I’m watching.
JOHN Do you like football?
EDWARD It’s pointless.
JOHN Sometimes it is… My dad took me to a match and all the
crowd was shouting at each other and calling each other names
and all the other crowd had funny voices… I don’t know who
EDWARD No one in that situation.
JOHN What do you mean?
EDWARD Well none of it makes any sense.
JOHN Yeah, but it goes on, doesn’t it. What else is there?
EDWARD Here she comes.
Stephanie enters and climbs back on.
STEPHANIE At least he caught me.
JOHN Sorry. It was my first time though.
STEPHANIE That’s okay.
Edward snorts.
STEPHANIE Shut up you… What shall we do now?
JOHN We’re watching.
STEPHANIE Watching what?
JOHN I don’t know.
EDWARD We’re watching life’s poor needlework come unstitched.
STEPHANIE What is he on about?
John shrugs.
EDWARD I mean look at them all. The future. Brainless chickens
chasing kisses or footballs. Is that all there is?
STEPHANIE Well eagles don’t do much
EDWARD Don’t you dare say that. They are majestic. Concerned with
only the basic need for survival.
STEPHANIE They are boring.
JOHN Cheetahs are majestic too… and leopards.
STEPHANIE They are all boring.
John is a little hurt.
TEACHER’S VOICE Playtime’s over!
STEPHANIE Good. Come on Spot. Time to go. I’ve got a painting to
JOHN Ok… (to Edward) Are you coming?
EDWARD I don’t think so.
Stephanie exits.
JOHN Are you stuck?
EDWARD (protesting) No!
JOHN I can help you down if you’d like.
EDWARD I am fine. You go.
JOHN (exiting) Okay. See ya!
EDWARD I am staying here.
Curtain closes.
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